Went for a long run/jog. Started from the traffic light near Ben's home turn right all the way down till end of industrial park, then thru some more factories, to Admiralty West Prison, to North entrance of the new Admiralty Park, which links all the way to RP(Republic Poly). The Sports Complex of RP is so cool man, love it very much. It has indoor and outdoor gym, aerobic studio which is jus beside the gym seperated by jus a glass(means u can pump and see girls dancing inside at the same time, very motivating indeed). The skol is very clean(unlike SP, coz stained wif Baba's "sai" orady), almost fully air-conitioned, very spacious, very conducive(especially the library), niceZZZ. I'm enquiring on the booking of indoor court to play futsal in RP.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Take a Break man
Study till brain juice almost dried up man, KAO..... so went for a run and workout.
Before I open the door, she was already sniffing from the other side. Yes, this is Nik(the ever hungry maltese) and this is the 10th yr she been ard since I was since Sec 2 (damn, I tink I am jus good maintaining the longevity of pets man, I'd got a terrapin which I kept from Pri 2 till Sec 2 man, it grew from size of ping pong ball to soccer ball man! I released it at the Bukit Timah reservoir). Back to Nik, she'll only react in 2 situations, ONE; she wants food(she put her paws on ur lap n starts wagging tail n make some noise,TWO; you say "nik! come", "nik! 来", she knows feeding time. Enjoy the vid! She's the joy of my life. Long Live Nikki!
Monday, December 1, 2008
Mama's Bday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Life? Jay Chou Rocks

Life is so stagant now. Work, study, work, study, work ,study.............. :(
Music is best friend(not true), of coz not 4getting nice ppl at work and skol la, AND my buddies.... Enjoy the Weydio! The girl in the video 是我的菜(type). Damn chio man. Long hair girls are appealing coz they look more demure. 短发美女 shows confidence NICE.
周杰伦 - 说好的幸福呢
时间过了 走了
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
怎么了 你累了 说好的幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢
时间过了 走了
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
怎么了 你累了 说好的幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了
只是回忆的音乐盒还旋转着 要怎么停呢................
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Nice 200 bucks during reservist
Wee... 200bucks for fitness... NICE. Reservist is not bad la. I got to know ppl from different woks of life and age, coming 2geter to "serve the nation" because it IS AN OBLIGATION. For many of us, this is the 1ST RESERVIST. However, the STRANGE thing is...... the period from which we had ORD is SOOOOOO much different man. 2 to 3 yrs seems quite ok, but here der's ppl who ORD 7-10 ago man and tis is their 1st call up, WAKAO!!! I was jus released barely a year and got called up, NICE. Okay, the guys were friendly and helpful though, regardless of ranks and ages.
Time spent in camp = eat, tok cock, sleep, train
Yall only get to see the nicer results coz i thot the other 2 scores were rather disappointing. will b training hard for nxt yr's CAT Y, haha...(if yall dunno, Cat X - Below 25 years old, Cat Y - 25 years to below 30 years). CAT Y will be very slightly easier, but stil must run below 10mins, tiu. Tis is also the 1st time in all my IPPT i jumped so far man, 239, tink weight loss really helps. I'll start joining marathons to train up man. Aiming to be 1/5 of Jay Cutler. Lean is the way.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
OMG! Reservist man.... F%#k!

I'll feel better if i dun hav cut hair for reservist. Suddenly felt cool wearing beret without uniform, and wif long hair. It'll be nice if NS allow us to be like Ernesto Che Guevara(tis will never ever happen, being botak as recruits is a culture, brings nice memory too). I'm going for my 1st ever reservist from 3-14 Nov 2008. Damn! I'll tell u whether it's gd or bad after I come out. Many said reservist is relaxing and enjoying. We shall see. One thing for sure is tt I'll be getting extra 200bucks for Silver for IPPT(might chiong for Gold if got enugh air). I'm starting skool after tt, Bachelor of Science(Exercise and Sports Science) by ECU. Thats my Sis in the pic, cheerful and act cute as ever, respect! She had supported me greatly financially in my studies, thank you weli weli much! Getting ripped for ZoukOut..... pump it up :)
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Trip to Paradise - Perhentian

Fong Lye Restaurant

Yo, went for a short holiday to Perhentian with a few buddies last wk. It was an incredible experience. Kinda last minute plan, TTk called me bout e trip and I agreed to go instantly. Met up TTK and Juinz in JB and drove ard 280km to KL to look for Yong Wen(his home very simple and neat, so nice i fell asleep so comfortably on e couch). From KL travel another like 5hrs journey to Paradise, gonna respect Driver Mr.Yong man, endurance gao gao. On the boat to the island, we saw "Franck Ribery" with a NICE asian babe, the female "Will Farrell" and few other ang moh couples. Reach TunaBay Island Resort, had lunch and straight away embark on a mission to become "Ney Ge", u'll only understand if u watch Russell Peters, (applied suntan spray GENEROUSLY as stated on the instruction). The beach has so corals tt u won't wanna lay ur feet on the ground, kena sai man. Then it's suntan, snorkel(1st time snorkel, drink sea water like hell sia, muahhhhahaha), swim, dinner followed by Vodka Nite Party. A packet if ice, a bottle of Absolute Vodka, a btl of Ribena, a btl of Kickapoo, a btl water with a pack of Poker cards. The game was simple, all grab a card, immediately slap it on ur forehead so u can't see it but others can, before orady decided on whether the biggest or smallest card holder shall drink up(we called it "dar"). Then the mind game begins, it was so much fun tt i had a very peaceful sleep tt nite i supposed. 2nd day morning put on diving gears and went for a simple diving lesson, cool man, too bad never buy underwater camera to capture those moments, diu. After lunch, rent canoe and paddle the another beach, Perhentian Island Resort, super nice man, no dead corals on beach, much more clearer water and finer sand, kimochi 我跟你讲!! We swam with the turtle, I managed to grab hold on one as it was surfacing for a breathe(actually I didn't hold la, jus gave it a hard push on the slippery shell). Then shit happpened, canoe capsized on the rough sea on our way back, lucky was near by shore side, got bit of cut, swim tow the flooded canoe to shore to drain out the water, felt shitty man, mahai. Great workout though. Chill out for the nite and took boat back to mainland nxt morning. Another 5hrs only back to KL, Yong brought us to Fong Lye for some Taiwanese delights, NICE. From KL 280km back to JB, reached ard 3am, KAO, den nxt morning gonna work. Will definitely wanna go to place like this again, I'll b e DRIVER nxt time. "Ur BODY is jus a SHELL, but dun HURT ur SOUL unless u wanna be AIDE."
Thursday, August 7, 2008
7 Aug 2008 >>> What e Fish?
Daytime work lifeguard at Sentosa or Sports Council, nightime telebetter for Singapore Pools. Plus the bit of swim coaching. Making nearly 2k/mth but no time to spend, KAO!!! Getting pink I/C on 23rd Aug(not excited at all man), getting car license probably by October latest November. Den wat? Study n work at e same time or work save $$$ den study? 16 Aug go career fare at Suntec will find out. Got a surprising secret, will let yall noe if I got thru it, ha. More action less talk, go try out everything b4 it's too late. Many options, many dilemma, $$$ stilll not enough. Haiz. Asian girls are NICE, ang moh girls are desirable, many mamas hotz nowadays, Thai girls are fantasy, Filipinas are nice to talk to. Moon, u're so cute, ur big sparkling eyes and cheerful nature mesmerises me, makes me wanna melt(wah having said tis, I vomitted a little, hair stand also). Knn wat crap am I bullshitting?!! Tts all for now. When my path is clear, I shall reveal my new status.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Being a Lifeguard

Halo ppl, today's topic's my current job. This time more visual effects less talk cock alrite. I'm working in Buona Vista Swimming Complex as well as a yacht club in Sentosa called One degree 15. Both are part-time because I'm learning to drive now so need bit of time management. The entry fee to become a member in One15 is ard SGD$65k(wakao). Members mostly owns a yacht. The bar concept is very cool, with different color lightings every few seconds. Rite above the pool is the gym where parents like to watch their kids while working out. My job, very simple, ensure safety ard the pool, make sure the kids dun choot stunts(can say very zo bo lan one). But like my boss said, "Like doctors & fireman, we saves lives too!" However, i really like the place, very soothing environment, nice ppl ard. Imagine toilet wif SCV, air con, cushions to rest on. Pretty,friendly waitresses and executives working der, not to mention some of the bikini babes ard. The pool's design great too, tts a huge glass at the other side where u can see everything happening in the pool. One of the regulations in the pool is no pets allowed ard the premises. U see the dog? She belongs to the vice-chairman's sister. It was ard closing when she came down from the gym wif it. She wanted to relac at the jacuzi for a while so asked me keep a lookout on the dog. I leashed the dog by my side. She's very active & cute, nice...... The pics u see me wearing yellow shirt is when i'm at vista pool. U're paid 7hrs work but can rest one hr in between, nice....... When not working(or after work) & tt's soccer match at late nite, i'll go over to msia to pump iron wif Leo, George, Bryan, den ask TTk come out lim teh. See me posing beside TTk's RX8? Nice.......... I'm might be working for SingaporePools soon guys, if i got in i'll tell u how it's like..... nxt time round(saw many NICE gers der man...... nice)
Friday, May 30, 2008
SMS till cry woooooh
Gd day mates.........I'm BACK..........Today morning "stone" at vista pool, evening go sentosa "stone". (If yall stil dunno, I'm a part-time lifeguard but work macam full-time like tt.) Then go home on MRT. Inside MRT also "stone". Until a girl enter the train n stand beside me. Her Sony Ericsson the light very glaring wooooh. Got my attention so i look lah. I noe quite asshole look at ppl SMS but do u tink i giv a shit. She received tis SMS: " Pls tell me where u now i very worried about u, pls"(Wah, Seems like a very desperate msg man) The lady replied: " i m on my way home, sorry to make u worry bout me, i m so useless. Don worry b.....(den she went to sit down). Wah sey i wanna laugh out liao man, like sibeh drama sia. When ppl worry bout u, do u feel useless?! Maybe i chap, but i really dun understand tis kinda thing. Sian la cant see anymore(cont to "stone"). She cont to receive SMSes, however, dunno wat the guy wrote wooooh. During the journey, the lady eyes began to redden woooh, like wanna cry orady sia. She tried very hard to hold back woooh as she become more emotional. Dunno wat the guy sent her sia, must be very skilful. The power of words man. Guys, must find ppl play field man, jus got more feel to play field nowadays, got must jio me man. Nxt time i'll talk more bout being a lifeguard, Adios :)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Kiss of "SERNG"
Hey 朋友, I tink i hav to giv credits to tis companion i hav here, so tday i decide to talk about her. She's Nickee, one of the most "Serng" doggy i hav ever encounter in my life. Been ard since i'm sec 2 or 3(Wow, knn 7,8 yrs orady!?!?) Damn tis punani's stil active as ever, the life, 我跟你讲......................... sibeh 硬, sibeh serng oso as time went by.(Yo ppl, we bath her every wk, dun mistaken tt we abuse her, when i say "SERNG", it's not the body, it's the MOUTH-FU!!!!!!!!!! WALAN EH, 我跟你讲.................. 不是普通的"SERNG", is those............. (Sori ah Ben if u read tis, actually u're now okok orady, but history can NEVER be erased, 不在乎天长地久, 只在乎成经一口!) Kk, back to the dog, when she 1st arrived, she very shy, doesn't make a sound for 2wks! 我跟你讲! Coz the family stil stranger to her, BUT, no worries, i 开导her, starting wif teaching her where to shit. The 1st few wks, wakao, 我跟你讲, the whole house is like shitting place for, everywhere 拉屎 & pee, knn sibeh headache! We bring her for walk 2times everyday, stil anyhow. Den leashed her in the balcony, put newspapers, let her make her "marking" der. When she anyhow again, will scold her, got beat a bit(very soft one, make her scare only, dun tink too violent), BUT, 打is 疼, 骂is爱! (Ya bullshit). So slowly slowly, she become trained. Last time study got lots of time wif her, but now whole family working, so bo bian have to lock her in the kitchen when all go out. Only 3 things will make her excited, 1st go out walk, she can pee, shit, smell everythings(dunno wat smelling sometimes), run ard, go act cute in front of strangers(sometimes NICE la, will run towards chio bu, den can xian a bit), 2nd is meal time, when u say "Nickee, 来!", she'll chiong towards u, the brain only think tt u got food to offer, if she noe u bluff her, her tail will drop down, den she'll act 可怜, look downwards & walk away, when u see tis, ur heart will feel bad, so will giv her something to munch. 慢慢deee, she start joining us during meals, jus sit down beside us, the eyes bright bright, full of hope tt we'll giv her food. Tis happens even after we fed her man, she's jus like one hungry ghost. Sometimes she hide somewhere relac can't find her, but when she SMELL something she fancy...............我跟你讲, automatically she'll appear. 3rd is when any of us come home, coz kena lock up whole day. Once u open the kitchen door, u see the white beast revitalised, putting those little paws on u, demand u to sayang her, tail wagging non-stop. BUT, when she got excited, she'll start to PANT, when she PANT.........我跟你讲.... THE "SERNG" COMES TO YOU!!!!! U'll immediately push her away, 我跟你讲, tak boleh tahan man the INCREDIBLE "SERNG". We brought her for dental check, hahahahhaahaha, 我跟你讲, the veterinarian also buay tahan. The doc gave some anti-serng solution for her to drink, works for a while only. See the two pics i upload on top? the one on left is when i try to take some fun(act wanna kiss her), the next moment she really try to la-ji wif me!!! Tts why u see my expression on my face sibeh stunt. HOLY SERNG, knn, she did "la" a bit man, lucky i close my mouth fast man.Nowadays, she learned to bark to protest when we lock her up, hold food in hand but don't giv her, push her away from the hamster cage(my sis got a hamster recently, maybe Nickee's jealous of the attention we gav to the hamster) while she engrossing(i tink she wanna eat it) with it,she'll even wanna bite u! Lastly, I'm very proud to say tt she's very healthy now, 好吃好住. I jus hope she'll live forever! The serng doesn't really bother me anymore actually, but if any of u got any NICE advices on how to counter-serng, PLS, 我跟你讲, PLS let me noe. Cheers!
Monday, February 18, 2008
I'm TIRED..............
WHY?! I felt i have been trying to please all my LIFE. Most of the time when tts a quarrel or wat, i'm the 1st to apologize, why, becoz i cherish wat i hav and dun wanna lose it jus becoz of trivial stuffs. At work, i try to be Mr.Nice GUy, maintaining the smile all the time, offering help whenever possible. With frens, i always try to accomodate, saying ok to everything as long as all are happy. With family, i'm beginning to talk more to my elder sis, talking more to mama bout work, future, wife, everything under sun except some 不能说的秘密. I even talk to my sisters boyfrens, soccer, chicks, money, stil except some 不能说的秘密. Tis CNY if i dun take initiative to talk to my cousin, i didn't even noe tt she's in Uni orady! Damn! My newphew has grown taller than me, but look like some 五五六六 shithead now. I used to be very a 内向的人, very dull, very afraid of rejection, but as life go on, i noe tt if i dun open up, the loser will be myself. It's very easy to irritate ppl and make dem hate u, but to make ppl like u, sometimes u jus cant present the real u, u hav to 配合. Sometimes in my mind i jus felt like giving tt fellow a punch in the fuking punani face, but der's a consequence i cant bear. So i jus take a deep breath and stayed calm. As you get older, u become more law conscious, coz when the day u end up in some place cutting grass, having free meals n lodging but being treated like shit, u noe life will be at e extreme. I'm orady in a rather bad situation recently, stil all tis crap shits come. Sometimes i really dunno myself anymore, i dun wanna be me. I keep telling myself tis are jus some minor setbacks(yeah, like REAL, my LAN ah!). So tired, i'll jus start afresh once i got e citizenship, debts, work, all settled out. Thx for viewing tis shit i wrote here, actually it's only about e pass few days bout the 24yrs of my life. Another gd news i like to share, 我跟你讲..........i'm a 专业的 LiFeGuaRd now ladies n gentlemen. Break away from the unhappy past and live life without having regrets. As long as you're happy, how long u live doesn't matter. So i hope to exchange 10yrs of my life to strike TOTO or 4D, for only 1st prize of coz, knn later strike but only win $10 hong kan ar, like tt 10yrs gone very chor. One more crap, if go back in time for ONCE in any part of your life, which will YOU choose?!! We'll talk bout tis nxt time...............................................................haha don't be pubo, tis a shit topic, i talk something fun soon. Cheers! 明天会更好!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
WHY MUST THIS TO HAPPEN TO ME?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?

Hey guys, paiseh leh so long then part 3. Mohaha! See to wat i'm gonna say now alrite! (ANd the cursing begins)................. Fucking shit Knn GY, mader fucking punani, STUPID DUMB FUCK, LOSER, PUA GY',KAN PUA TULAN man i tell yall.... WALAN EH PU-BO, JING TULAN, WHY SO 笨! WHY SO 出心大意! WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!! FUCK e PART 3 LIAO KNN JIHONG, TAMARE, PUTA, BAKAYARO, WURUSAI, yall WAKALIMASTA? NVM, KNN JINBAI BARNSTARD!!! 为什么!!! 我也是千百万个不愿意 MAN!!! 我跟你讲............ TAMADEE, 我跟你讲......... 如果你知道的话..............我跟你讲... WALAN......... 我跟你讲........ 真是受不了...... 我跟你讲.............................................................................i lost my wallet...... every fuck shit important stuffs..... i lost them........ big loss, very very heart 痛 loss..... most painful is lost on 14 Feb 08.... when i took unpaid leave to do something NiCE............. 我跟你讲........ 真是受不了....我跟你讲...
是不是这样的日子"你"才会这样的折磨我?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! tts all i'm gonna say... FUK IT...the real part 3 might eventually come... see how ba
Sunday, January 27, 2008
$$$ not enough(Part 吐)

Ok dykes, the pic has nothing to do with the topic, but it's NICE!!! Thx for waiting for part 2 man. Man U won 3-1 in FA cup, courtesy of Tevez n a brace from C.Ronaldo, nxt opponent is Arsenal, KAO!!! I'm sure dey'll win. Poly life's too fun, too slack, too wonderful, till $$$ not enough. So since yr 1, i started to find part-time jobs to pay some skul fees,allowance, transport, enjoy a bit. Got a job at 7-Eleven, jus 5mins walk from home, everyday after skul work 8-12midnight, 4bucks/hr. Chinese New Yr oso work man. Shit, earn too little, so ciao. Thru intro of poly coursemate, Hanip aka Wong Fei Hong aka bodybuilder wif chicken legs, ha, i started a job as waiter cum bar man at Ipanema World Music Bar. It's at Orchard Towers, wif LIVE band, wif loads of chicks of diff nationalities like Thai, Viet, Colombian, Chi-na, Russians, Phillipinas to "attract" loads of ti-ko-peks(mainly ang-mohs) to buy drinks, dance, "rubeh"(sometimes i oso buey tahan go "ru" a bit) , watch soccer(wkend EPL can work n watch at same time,爽!), den if e tikos sibeh horny will bring e girls out to jing jing kuchuk kuchuk for quite some $$$. NICE place man, LIVE band's cool, colleagues got hot & chio one, funky one, act cool one, faggoty one, $5.50/hr, but tts the attractive thing is e daily tips, which amt to at least $20-40 man, almost = my daily work hrs der(9-5am). Worked der bout 7mths man, results starts to deteriorate, so quit. Worked at Breko at Holland V(near skul, SP) , jibeh e job sibeh multi-tasks, u cook, wash dishes, take orders, clear tables, prepare food for nxt day, closing carry tables chairs, wah piang!!!$4.50/hr, 3wks, ciao!!! Thru 乔治, got a job at Plaza Sing with Bravissmo Gelato(low fat ice-cream). Worked with e most girls in my life(10plus of dem+3bosses). Got cosy wif one ger der but thing didn't really worked out, NICE!! Saw lots of celebrities der man, Coby(MTV host) came to buy gelato, gav him 10% discount, actually wanna giv 20% but he came without Choy & May, tamardeek. Fiona Xie, Xia Xue, etc. Remember Mant, JiHong, Ben, Ky der got come to patronize, given extraordinary discounts. heyhey. I bought an gelato cake for my mama's Bday too(at super discounted price,mohaha), NICE!! A pretty,sporty ger works opposite at Bretwursk(tink spelling wrong) Hotdog, very tasty & famous one(it's stil der, go try man), everyday after work will exchange gelato for some leftover sausages which will be thrown if not sold. I felt really comfortable working der, not much pressure, many chicks passed by everyday, see till eyes flower flower, anytime can 一口gelato. $5/hr, many many mths. (Wah sibeh tired,almost 1am liao, brain juice drying up orady) Knn, wait for part 3 ba! Paiseh!!!

Alrite people, tday let's talk bout $$$ & my work life till now. See, i started working since Sec 3, 1st job, Pizza Hut, $4.50/hr, NICE, cos gotta cook & bring back free pizzas everydae man!! Guess hu's my 1st job buddy, he's Wan Nur Azman man, nice chap but got "serng" somtimes. After O-Level, long break b4 start of poly life, got into banquet with Wen Juin & Yep(dunno if i missed out anyone). NICE!!! $5.50/hr, work OT x1.5 sumore, gonna see nice China chicks who works der, & hot tourists n even celebrities man, it's at Regent Hotel. Got quite a no. of positions der man, worked in the bar, Summer Palace(dim sum restaurant), setup man(carry here & there), forgotten y quit orady.Wait! In between dunno when,me, Wen & Yep(again) got into some outdoor sales job at Kallang 布丁, it's the shittest job ever man!U dun get basic pay, U spent $$ take transport all e way der, lunch dinner "kaki"(Hokkien)pay, den dey make u wear fomal, carry the stupid products like story books(Cindellairla, Snow White & the 7 punanis, etc), commission only 5 or 10%, the fucking one set of 5bks only costs 10-15bucks, u go to neighbourhood psycho aunties to buy for the kids. Knn, now tink back only "pu bo" will do it man! Sumore everyday go der must hav some team talk, everybody psycho each other saying dey will do well for the day, by saying some "okay, alrite, alrite okay shit". Got one time dey hav tis so call team cohesion shit, everyone stand in big circle & hold hands, thot can hold some chio bu's hand, KAO, den end up between 2 faggots, one of dem even 十指交扣 wif me!!OMG, Tamadee sibeh 恶心! End of day stil 倒贴$$!!Damn, let's move on, got into Opus IT(Computer Company), with KY, Wen Juin, Yep, Xiong, Kali & sumore punanis(whom i 4got oso). Ha! NICE!!! $6.50/hr, same OT x1.5 man, it's the 1st job i earn close to 1k/mth man! Sibeh slack man e job, jus install programs so to create a network to monitor all computers, to 抓 any assholes play while at work. Quota for everydae bout 25 coms, no sweat man! Most memorable was the period at NYP! U wear formal to the school, see hot chicks, we were jus 16/17 den, act like IT executives man. The students were mostly older than us man. But we walk ard looking like lecturers. Mohaha! We hav tis colleague name Sasi,relac jack, muscular guy man, was a body builder in india, den come S'pore be IT staff, knn, finish work early go see chicks with us, slp in canteen, wait for knock off time, ha. Other memorable stuffs was the people we met in the company, like Jess (cute HR exec) who giv us jobs' locations. Den there're JEFF n Randy(i nv seen him b4, but dey belong to same category), haha, dey hav the most "serng" mouths in the UNIVERSE man!! Walan eh, super extremely hardcore "serng" i tell u! Nobody can fight one(U can find one challenge, pls call me @92703520 n let me meet tt fellow, i'll bring him(or her) to JEFF n compare!! Mohahahahaha!!(Jus kidding, dun be "pubo"). OK, these are some jobs i experienced b4 poly. Part 2 will be out soon, now i gonna watch FA cup, Man U vs Totham, tmr gonna work in a shitty place in Tuas. Be patient man!
Monday, January 14, 2008
The "serng" ANgel.... LoL
I was queuing behind her to top up E-z link. Wow, wat nice silky long hair i saw, petite in size too. She's done topping up, turned ard, giv the guy(me la) behind her a glance & den walked off. Wow, what big sparkling eyes & kawaii face i saw. 突然!!! I smell 一 股 armpirt 味道! I chose not to belif it's hers. I turned ard, saw one uncle behind me, he also looked like got 一 股, I thot MUST b him! Mmmm.... N so i went to queue for 913 home. Wow, wat coincidence, she was in da queue too, with her fren, den i got another glance from her. Wow, so sweet, i was smittened, i dunno if i'm dreaming anot, she gav me a 微笑. Wow, den i 微笑 back la. 突然!!! 一阵风吹!! I smelll 一 股 again!! In front in e ger outside e queue, i saw e uncle again(cutting queue). I totally thot it MUST came from him, knn, angst, i felt like digging my arse & shuff it up his nose, but, looking at e ger instantly calm me down. E bus came, e ger stuck a bit looking for her E-z link, i went up, tinking maybe can "Rubei" a bit,knn bei jibai basturk, the uncle cut in too, 突然!!! (u should noe wat apen by now) YES!!! E 一 股 jus gust thru my nose, OMG, #%!Exobile. I quickly chiong in to sit down, cursing the uncle at e same time( i thot i might as well really dig some shit for the uncle 一口). Thang God the uncle sat front. 突然!!! (Haha, relac) E ger came to sit beside me. Wow, so nice. Den her fren came along, 就在这时!!!! She lifted up her hand to pass her fren something,天哪............!! E exact same一股!!!! TAMADEEEEEEEEE!! (in slow motion), I tilt my head towards e ger & glanced downward, 仿佛 can see an aura near the armpirt der. Holy "Kuei" man( kuei nang, Hokkien, hope u 明白). It's jus e start of journey man. I tahang the 一 股 for long man, sumore she got off jus one stop b4 me(if yall noe where i live),KAO!! So disheartened, but i got off the bus relieved tt i'm free of the "serng"(chao srng)气.
Yours Sincerely,
RJ Wong
Yours Sincerely,
RJ Wong
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