Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Take a Break man

Study till brain juice almost dried up man, KAO..... so went for a run and workout.

Before I open the door, she was already sniffing from the other side. Yes, this is Nik(the ever hungry maltese) and this is the 10th yr she been ard since I was since Sec 2 (damn, I tink I am jus good maintaining the longevity of pets man, I'd got a terrapin which I kept from Pri 2 till Sec 2 man, it grew from size of ping pong ball to soccer ball man! I released it at the Bukit Timah reservoir). Back to Nik, she'll only react in 2 situations, ONE; she wants food(she put her paws on ur lap n starts wagging tail n make some noise,TWO; you say "nik! come", "nik! 来", she knows feeding time. Enjoy the vid! She's the joy of my life. Long Live Nikki!

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