Alrite people, tday let's talk bout $$$ & my work life till now. See, i started working since Sec 3, 1st job, Pizza Hut, $4.50/hr, NICE, cos gotta cook & bring back free pizzas everydae man!! Guess hu's my 1st job buddy, he's Wan Nur Azman man, nice chap but got "serng" somtimes. After O-Level, long break b4 start of poly life, got into banquet with Wen Juin & Yep(dunno if i missed out anyone). NICE!!! $5.50/hr, work OT x1.5 sumore, gonna see nice China chicks who works der, & hot tourists n even celebrities man, it's at Regent Hotel. Got quite a no. of positions der man, worked in the bar, Summer Palace(dim sum restaurant), setup man(carry here & there), forgotten y quit orady.Wait! In between dunno when,me, Wen & Yep(again) got into some outdoor sales job at Kallang 布丁, it's the shittest job ever man!U dun get basic pay, U spent $$ take transport all e way der, lunch dinner "kaki"(Hokkien)pay, den dey make u wear fomal, carry the stupid products like story books(Cindellairla, Snow White & the 7 punanis, etc), commission only 5 or 10%, the fucking one set of 5bks only costs 10-15bucks, u go to neighbourhood psycho aunties to buy for the kids. Knn, now tink back only "pu bo" will do it man! Sumore everyday go der must hav some team talk, everybody psycho each other saying dey will do well for the day, by saying some "okay, alrite, alrite okay shit". Got one time dey hav tis so call team cohesion shit, everyone stand in big circle & hold hands, thot can hold some chio bu's hand, KAO, den end up between 2 faggots, one of dem even 十指交扣 wif me!!OMG, Tamadee sibeh 恶心! End of day stil 倒贴$$!!Damn, let's move on, got into Opus IT(Computer Company), with KY, Wen Juin, Yep, Xiong, Kali & sumore punanis(whom i 4got oso). Ha! NICE!!! $6.50/hr, same OT x1.5 man, it's the 1st job i earn close to 1k/mth man! Sibeh slack man e job, jus install programs so to create a network to monitor all computers, to 抓 any assholes play while at work. Quota for everydae bout 25 coms, no sweat man! Most memorable was the period at NYP! U wear formal to the school, see hot chicks, we were jus 16/17 den, act like IT executives man. The students were mostly older than us man. But we walk ard looking like lecturers. Mohaha! We hav tis colleague name Sasi,relac jack, muscular guy man, was a body builder in india, den come S'pore be IT staff, knn, finish work early go see chicks with us, slp in canteen, wait for knock off time, ha. Other memorable stuffs was the people we met in the company, like Jess (cute HR exec) who giv us jobs' locations. Den there're JEFF n Randy(i nv seen him b4, but dey belong to same category), haha, dey hav the most "serng" mouths in the UNIVERSE man!! Walan eh, super extremely hardcore "serng" i tell u! Nobody can fight one(U can find one challenge, pls call me @92703520 n let me meet tt fellow, i'll bring him(or her) to JEFF n compare!! Mohahahahaha!!(Jus kidding, dun be "pubo"). OK, these are some jobs i experienced b4 poly. Part 2 will be out soon, now i gonna watch FA cup, Man U vs Totham, tmr gonna work in a shitty place in Tuas. Be patient man!
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