Ok dykes, the pic has nothing to do with the topic, but it's NICE!!! Thx for waiting for part 2 man. Man U won 3-1 in FA cup, courtesy of Tevez n a brace from C.Ronaldo, nxt opponent is Arsenal, KAO!!! I'm sure dey'll win. Poly life's too fun, too slack, too wonderful, till $$$ not enough. So since yr 1, i started to find part-time jobs to pay some skul fees,allowance, transport, enjoy a bit. Got a job at 7-Eleven, jus 5mins walk from home, everyday after skul work 8-12midnight, 4bucks/hr. Chinese New Yr oso work man. Shit, earn too little, so ciao. Thru intro of poly coursemate, Hanip aka Wong Fei Hong aka bodybuilder wif chicken legs, ha, i started a job as waiter cum bar man at Ipanema World Music Bar. It's at Orchard Towers, wif LIVE band, wif loads of chicks of diff nationalities like Thai, Viet, Colombian, Chi-na, Russians, Phillipinas to "attract" loads of ti-ko-peks(mainly ang-mohs) to buy drinks, dance, "rubeh"(sometimes i oso buey tahan go "ru" a bit) , watch soccer(wkend EPL can work n watch at same time,爽!), den if e tikos sibeh horny will bring e girls out to jing jing kuchuk kuchuk for quite some $$$. NICE place man, LIVE band's cool, colleagues got hot & chio one, funky one, act cool one, faggoty one, $5.50/hr, but tts the attractive thing is e daily tips, which amt to at least $20-40 man, almost = my daily work hrs der(9-5am). Worked der bout 7mths man, results starts to deteriorate, so quit. Worked at Breko at Holland V(near skul, SP) , jibeh e job sibeh multi-tasks, u cook, wash dishes, take orders, clear tables, prepare food for nxt day, closing carry tables chairs, wah piang!!!$4.50/hr, 3wks, ciao!!! Thru 乔治, got a job at Plaza Sing with Bravissmo Gelato(low fat ice-cream). Worked with e most girls in my life(10plus of dem+3bosses). Got cosy wif one ger der but thing didn't really worked out, NICE!! Saw lots of celebrities der man, Coby(MTV host) came to buy gelato, gav him 10% discount, actually wanna giv 20% but he came without Choy & May, tamardeek. Fiona Xie, Xia Xue, etc. Remember Mant, JiHong, Ben, Ky der got come to patronize, given extraordinary discounts. heyhey. I bought an gelato cake for my mama's Bday too(at super discounted price,mohaha), NICE!! A pretty,sporty ger works opposite at Bretwursk(tink spelling wrong) Hotdog, very tasty & famous one(it's stil der, go try man), everyday after work will exchange gelato for some leftover sausages which will be thrown if not sold. I felt really comfortable working der, not much pressure, many chicks passed by everyday, see till eyes flower flower, anytime can 一口gelato. $5/hr, many many mths. (Wah sibeh tired,almost 1am liao, brain juice drying up orady) Knn, wait for part 3 ba! Paiseh!!!
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